Oral History Seminar

Oral History Seminar Term Card Michaelmas 2021 

3.30 - 5.00 pm Wednesdays All seminars will be held via MS Teams unless otherwise indicated

The seminar series is run by graduate students at the University of Oxford, but we welcome anyone and everyone with an interest in discussing the ethics and methodology of oral history. Invitations will be emailed to our mailing list and the MS Teams links are also available on Oxford Talks (talks.ox.ac.uk)


3rd Week (27/10)       In-person social: tea, coffee and snacks in the History Faculty (3.30-5pm in the Rees Davies Room)

4 th Week (3/11)        Keith Gildart, ‘Soul Mining: Memory, Class, and Culture in the British Coal Industry 1947-1994’

5 th Week (10/11)      The methodological challenges of working with oral history interviews conducted by someone else: a                                     panel with Lauren Cantillon, James Greenhalgh, Amber Ward and Jessica White

7 th Week (24/11)      ‘Oral History, Family and Generational Change’: a dialogue between Grace Huxford and Aleena Din

8 th Week (1/12)         George Severs,‘Listening to pandemics: oral history interviews about HIV/AIDS’

9 th Week (8/12)        April Gallwey, ‘Oral History and Education’


Convenors: Grace Heaton and Freya Marshall Payne

Email: oralhistory@history.ox.ac.uk

Twitter: @OralHistoryOx


You can also find details of the Oral History Seminar's past events in Michaelmas and Trinity 2020 online.